The Booty Report

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Arrr, Sofia be tellin' Ed, "Don’t kick the bucket, matey! We needs ye fer the 'Modern Family' treasure again!"


Arrr, Sofia did jest that ol' Ed O'Neill best keep his sea legs, lest he be dancin' with Davy Jones before we can spin a new yarn of "Modern Family"! Aye, a grand TV tale be in the stars, savvy?

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as we spin a yarn 'bout the fair Sofía Vergara, who be settin’ the seas ablaze with talk of returnin’ to her rollickin’ role as Gloria! In a recent parley with the scallywags at Variety, she declared, "I’d die to be on that set!" Aye, she dreams of a grand reunion, shiverin’ timbers with laughter in a TV movie!

Though the tides may not yet be ripe for a reboot of "Modern Family," which sailed the waters from 2009 to 2020, Vergara’s got her eye on old sea dog Ed O'Neill, the eldest among them at 78 years. She jested, “Ed, don’t die!” lest they be left without their captain! It seems O'Neill’s age be a constant jest, with Vergara crackin' jokes 'bout his confusin' messages meant for his daughter Sophia, instead landin’ in her inbox. "Why is he callin' me?" she pondered.

Aye, the crew of “Modern Family” be well-loved, snaggin’ 22 Emmy Awards and wonderin’ how they still be connected like barnacles to a ship! Though the wind be sayin’ it’s too soon for a full-fledged return, some have set sail for commercials, keepin’ the spirit alive. So, let’s raise a tankard to the jolly crew and their shenanigans—may the winds of comedy always fill their sails!

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