The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Mideast oil barons shun them sneaky Russian ships, tryin' to muck up the sanction seas! Ha-ha!


Arrr! Russia be weatherin' a storm o' sanctions from them scallywags in the West after settin' sail for Ukraine. But fear not, me hearties! They’ve turned to shady dealings, smugglin' oil like true buccaneers on the high seas! Avast, the treasure still flows!

Arrr, matey! The United Arab Emirates be givin’ the ol’ heave-ho to them Russian ships, particularly those flyin’ the flag of Eswatini. Yarr, these scallywags be tryin’ to dodge the Western sanctions by usin’ a sneaky "shadow fleet" fer smuggling oil, but the UAE ain’t takin’ the bait! They’ve declared no entry for Eswatini-flagged vessels, declarin’ them not compliant with the law of the sea. Now, Rebekah Koffler, a former spy, be spillin’ the beans that ol’ Vlad Putin be workin’ this scheme since 2014, after plunderin’ Crimea. These rust-bucket ships of the dark fleet be saggy and shoddy, creatin’ hazards upon the high seas. A list from the UAE says ye can’t even service these ships without proper papers—unless they be recognized by the maritime elite. These Eswatini vessels, ye see, are a curious lot; they be landlocked and yet somehow be sailin’ the seven seas! With the U.S. crackin’ down on ‘em for helpin’ the Syrian regime and the likes, they be in a right pickle. So beware, ye salty sailors, of these shady vessels, fer they bring trouble fer all who cross their path! Arrr!

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