The Booty Report

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"Ahoy, matey! How foul be the winds o' a Kamala Harris reign? Let’s hoist the Jolly Roger for clarity!"


Arrr, ye scallywag! 'Tis a fate more foul than a bilge rat's breath, unless ye’ve swabbed the decks o' San Francisco for many a moon! Aye, it be a grand jest, but beware, for the city be a tempestuous siren, luring ye to yer doom!

Ahoy, me hearties! Let’s spin a yarn 'bout the tempestuous seas o' a Kamala Harris presidency! Aye, even the staunchest lovers of the good ol’ Constitution be losing sleep, ponderin' the storm that’d brew over four long years with her at the helm. If she manages to trick the crew and sets sail with both houses o' Congress, we’d be in a right pickle indeed!

Ye see, her campaign in 2019 was as wobbly as a ship in a squall. With promises to ban fracking and let illegal border crossings slide, she be as left as the horizon on a calm night. If ye look to San Francisco, ye’ll glimpse the likely fate of our fair land under her rule—a true ghost ship of governance, sailing towards chaos!

With Harris steering the ship, expect the winds of inflation to howl, immigration to run amok, and a healthcare system more lost than a sailor without a compass. The only thing we know for sure be that her crew will shift far left, makin' those at MSNBC shudder. So, me mateys, remember this: a vote for Harris be a vote to follow the San Francisco way, sailing straight into the stormy abyss! Keep yer wits about ye, lest ye be caught in her siren’s call!

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