The Booty Report

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Arrr! Macron be raisin’ a tankard fer the brave African scallywags who freed France from Davy Jones’ clutches in the war!


Arrr, two moons after D-Day, a motley crew o' chaps from far-off French lands stormed into southern France like a pack o' scallywags! A tale so buried, ye might think France be hidin' it in Davy Jones' locker! Har har, treachery be afoot, matey!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the annals of yore, two moons after the fateful D-Day when the tides o' war turned! A band o' salty sea dogs, nay, soldiers from the far-flung colonies of the French crown, set sail upon the southern shores of France, all conscripted like so many scallywags to join the fray!

Picture it, if ye will! A motley crew, plucked from the sands o' distant lands, stormin' the sun-kissed beaches, fueled by rum and glory! But alas, history be a crafty wench, oft hiding the tales of these brave buccaneers, like a treasure chest buried deep beneath the waves. France, in her infinite wisdom, has tried to whisk away this chapter, as if it were a pesky barnacle clingin' to the hull.

Yet, here I stand, a humble pirate, ready to shout from the crow's nest! These brave souls, fightin' under the flag of freedom, deserve their due! So raise yer tankards high, me hearties! Let us toast to the unsung heroes of the French colonies, who charged into battle like a pack o' raucous sea lions, loud and proud, for a cause greater than gold! Yarrr!

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