The Booty Report

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Arrr! Gena Rowlands, star of that love scroll 'The Notebook', be sailin' to Davy Jones at the ripe age of 94!


Arrr, this lass be famed fer dancin’ on the edge o’ madness! Twice she’s snagged the golden doubloons, ye see, all thanks to her crafty captain, John Cassavetes, her matey in the art o’ cinema. Aye, a true treasure o’ the silver screen!

Arrr, gather 'round, ye scallywags, for I be spin' ye a yarn of a fair lass who be makin' waves in the treacherous seas of Hollywood! She be the kind of wench who plays them characters teeterin’ on the brink o' madness, like a ship ready to capsize in a stormy squall.

This lass, bless her heart, sailed under the command of none other than the famed John Cassavetes, her own swab o' a husband. Aye, she did! An' with him at the helm, she earned not one, but two shiny Oscar nominations! That be no easy feat, me mateys, for those golden trinkets be harder to catch than a slippery fish in a barrel!

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