The Booty Report

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"Arrr! On this fine Friday, Ukraine be snatchin’ a Russian port like a greedy seagull at me fishin’ spot!"


Arrr, matey! With but a single chamber, Brazil be settin' sail to battle its scallywag past o' prejudice! Aye, they'll be diggin' up old bones and swabbin' the deck of discrimination, all while hootin' and hollerin' like a crew o' jolly rogues!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the fair land of Brazil, where the tides o' history be as murky as a sailor’s grog! In one foul swoop, Brazil be settin’ sail to confront its past, which be riddled with the scallywags’ misdeeds and the stench of racism lurkin’ like a treacherous sea monster.

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