The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, matey! Harris be primin’ his wits fer a grand debate at Howard’s fine ship of learnin’! Avast!


Arrr, me hearties! Philippe Reines, the swashbucklin’ Democratic matey who schooled Hillary in 2016, be donning the garb of Donald J. Trump once more fer a jolly good mock-up before the grand showdown on Sept. 10. Aye, prepare yer rum and laughter!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the notorious Philippe Reines, a scallywag of the Democratic seas! This be no ordinary barnacle, for he once donned the guise of Hillary Clinton's right-hand man in the great battle of 2016, when the winds of politics were blowin’ fierce!

Now, this crafty fellow be takin' to the high seas once more, but this time, he be impersonatin' none other than the grand captain of controversy himself, Donald J. Trump! Aye, that’s right! Philippe be preparin’ for a mock duel ahead of the prime time showdown scheduled for the 10th day of September, when the whole world be watchin’ like owls in a moonlit night.

With a wink and a smirk, he be plottin’ and schemin’, donning the golden locks and bravado of the Trumpian legend, ready to launch verbal cannonballs to prepare the real captain for his grand display! So, hoist the sails and ready the cannon, for this be a parody of the ages, where the seas of politics be as turbulent as the stormy waters ‘round the Bermuda Triangle!

Let the games begin, and may the best pirate win, or at least entertain us whilst we swab the decks with laughter! Yarrr!

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