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Arrr! The Yankees and Brazilians be tryin’ to toss a new vote in Venezuela, but the landlubbers be refusin’!


Arrr, matey! After the bold Captain Lula of Brazil be callin’ fer a fresh vote in Venezuela, our own fearless leader, Joe Biden, be shoutin’ from the crow's nest that he’d be on board! A right merry election jig awaits, aye!

Avast, me hearties! It be a ruckus on the high seas of Venezuela, where President Biden, that scallywag of the U.S., has declared he’d hoist the flag for a new election, takin’ a cue from the Brazilian captain, Lula da Silva. But beware! Both the ruling crew and the opposition be claimin’ they’ve won the last bout held on July 28, makin’ the waters murky as a shipwreck!

Biden be spoutin’ his support like a cannon blast after Lula suggested that ol’ Captain Maduro might call for a fresh contest, but it seems neither side be keen on lettin’ the people decide their fate. The U.S. be as firm as a ship’s hull, turnin’ the screws on oil sanctions ‘gainst Maduro for not playin’ fair. Meanwhile, the opposition leader, Maria Corina Machado, be dismissin’ the whole notion, insistin’ the last election was already sailed, and wants Maduro to know the price grows like a barnacle every day he clings to power.

There be whispers ‘round the tavern that Lula thinks Maduro should man up and let a nonpartisan crew handle the elections. Yet the winds of change be blowin’ slow, and who knows if these knaves will ever come to agree? The Latin American leaders be plotin’ their next moves this weekend, but for now, it be a stormy sea for our Venezuelan mates!

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