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Arrr, the Pentagon be spoutin’ tales of a ruckus brew ’twixt Russia and Iran, like two scallywags in cahoots!


Avast, me hearties! The scallywags at the Pentagon be sayin' that Iran and Russia be makin' their bond stronger than a sailor's grog! After a weekend meetin', they be swearing to share their cannonballs. Arrr, the seas be gettin' stormy with their mischief!

Ahoy mateys, gather 'round fer a tale of alliances as strange as a one-legged parrot! Word from the Pentagon, aye, is that the bond ‘twixt Russia and Iran be growin’ thicker than a sailor's beard. In a recent meetin’, their leaders be shakin' hands and hatchin' schemes, or so claims the fair Deputy Press Secretary, Miss Sabrina Singh.

The lass spoke at a press conference and hinted that as Russia sails through its unlawful voyage in Ukraine, it be seekin’ weapons from the crafty Iranians, like a pirate huntin’ for treasure. “Aye, we’ve spotted this partnership deepenin’,” she says, but she’d not be spillin’ the beans on what those leaders plotted.

With the winds of conflict blowin’, Russia be offerin’ missile support to Iran, while the United States be expandin’ its fleet in the Middle East, sendin’ the mighty USS Abraham Lincoln to keep a weather eye on the horizon. Singh made it clear as a full moon on a cloudless night: they’ll defend Israel like a captain guards his ship’s gold! So here’s to strange bedfellows, aye, as the world spins ‘round like a tempestuous sea! Arrr!

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