The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Charity be handin' out sweet loot laced with the devil's dust! 'Tis a jolly good jest, says 400 mateys!"


Arrr matey! The charity be takin' only fine grub sealed tight as a ship's hold! This led the landlubbers to reckon that them sweet treasures be part of a smuggler’s folly! Aye, a right jolly mess o' confections gone awry, I say!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale most peculiar comin' from the shores of New Zealand, where a charity found itself in a right pickle! It seems they distributed a hefty bounty of candy, but nay just any candy! Yarr, these sweets were laced with methamphetamine, that scallywag of a substance, and could send ye to Davy Jones' locker if consumed!

The New Zealand Drug Foundation, bless their souls, urged all hands to steer clear of the Rinda brand pineapple lollies, claimin' they taste foul enough to make a bilge rat gag! A lad from Auckland discovered the treacherous treats after they left a "funny taste" on his tongue, which landed him and a few others in need of a visit from the doc.

With the street value of these sugary devils at a whopping $600 each, the local constables are on the hunt fer more of these hidden dangers, whilst the charity scrambles to track down the rest of the cursed loot. The delivery mayhap went awry, but Rinda Food Industries be claimin' they never intended for their sweets to become part of such a nefarious scheme!

So, me mateys, keep a weather eye on yer candy stash, 'cause ye never know when a wee bit of mischief might wash ashore! Yarrr!

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