The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! Beyond 'Shaft': 5 Blaxploitation treasures ye be needin’ to set sail and laugh, matey!"


Arrr, matey! A jolly gathering of film buffs be raisin’ a toast to the grog-fueled flicks of the 1970s that spawned “Superfly” and “Foxy Brown.” But fear not, for hidden treasures o' lesser-known gems will be plundered, revealin’ the true breadth of this swashbucklin’ genre!

"Arrr! Beyond 'Shaft': 5 Blaxploitation treasures ye be needin’ to set sail and laugh, matey!"

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer a merry tale of a Film Forum series settin' sail on the high seas of cinema, payin' homage to them groovy flicks of the 1970s! Arr, ye be thinkin' of the legends like “Superfly” an’ “Foxy Brown,” aye? The tales of miscreants an’ vixens in their dapper threads and fine rides, sparkly as a treasure chest in the sun!

But hold yer horses, ye scallywags! This be more than just the big names ye know—nay, the series be diggin' deep into the briny depths, unearthing lesser-known gems that showcase the rich bounty of this film genre! Aye, it be a treasure trove of stories ye might ne’er have laid yer eyes upon before! From slick anti-heroes to feisty heroines, the range be broader than a ship's sails in a tempest!

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