The Booty Report

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Arrr! North Korea be lettin' landlubbers back for a peek after five long years adrift! Avast, mateys!


Arrr, matey! After four long years of battenin' down the hatches, North Korea be crackin' open its borders fer scallywags lookin' to plunder the sights! Aye, get ready fer some swashbucklin' fun, as the land o' mystery be settin' sail fer tourists once more! Yarrr!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, for I bring ye tidings from the far-off shores of the Hermit Kingdom, North Korea, where the winds of change be blowin’! After four long years of lockin' the gates tighter than a clam's shell, the scallywags of Koryo Tours be hoistin' the sails of international tourism once more, come December!

Yonder agency, hailing from Beijing, be excitedly declare that the fair city of Samjiyon be the first port o' call for eager landlubbers. It seems the place has been spruced up like a ship ready for battle, after previous visits in 2018 when a British chap named Michael Palin swung by for a gander!

But hold yer horses, for it’s not a free-for-all! Only a handful o’ hearty souls will be welcomed initially, with whispers of further openings to other lands within the kingdom if the stars align just right. The rumormongers say that all details on the grand adventure shall be revealed soon, so keep yer eyes peeled!

Alas, the kingdom had battened down the hatches during the pestilence, preventin' all but the bravest of souls from settin’ foot on its shores. But the tides be changin’, and soon ye might just find yerself explorin’ the mysterious lands of North Korea! So, prepare yer sea legs and get ready for a jolly good time!

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