The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Texas swabs be escortin' a wee lad to school, honorin' his late sea dog father! Aye, what a grand tale!"


Avast, matey! The brave lads o' the Dallas lawmen set sail to guide a wee scallywag on his maiden voyage o' schoolin', after his da, a valiant officer for 14 years, sailed to Davy Jones' locker. Aye, a heartwarming tale on the high seas of education!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round, for I be tellin' ye a heartwarmin' tale from the fair city of Dallas, Texas! On a fine mornin', young Nico De La Rocha set sail on the seas of learnin' as he ventured forth to his first day of kindergarten.

But lo and behold! The brave officers of the Dallas Police Department, in all their splendor, decided to make this day one fer the ages. With the spirit of adventure in their hearts, they escorted young Nico through the hallways, wishin' him a grand year ahead. “And he’s off!” they proclaimed, as they snapped photos to capture the joyous moment.

Alas, the tale holds a tinge of sorrow, for Nico's father, Senior Corporal Jose De La Rocha, had met the great captain in the sky just the year prior. A noble soul, he served the people of Dallas with valor and a heart as big as a treasure chest! His memory be honored as first responders paid tribute to the lad's first day of school.

In his vibrant green sneakers and a shirt proclaimin' “First Day of Kindergarten 2024,” Nico’s beaming smile shone brighter than a pirate’s gold! With his mother by his side, the young swashbuckler faced his new adventure, surrounded by the finest crew of police officers, ready to chart a course for knowledge, fun, and memories aplenty!

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