The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! With Mpox causin' a ruckus in Africa, ye best be wary o' the pesky virus on the high seas!


Ahoy, mateys! The scallywags at Africa's CDC be shoutin’ ‘bout mpox, claimin’ it’s a treacherous public health tempest, with cases a-soarin’ by 160% since the last tide! Heed the call, learn how to batten down the hatches ‘gainst this pesky virus, or ye may find yerself in Davy Jones’ locker!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer news from the high seas of health! The Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention be soundin' the alarm, declarin' mpox, once known as monkeypox, a perilous public health emergency. The scallywags report a nasty surge o' cases across the continent, with the Congo bein' the most cursed, claimin' over 96% of the afflicted.

Arrr, the numbers be climbin' faster than a ship's mast in a storm, with cases up 160% and deaths by 19% from the last year. Even the Swedes be catchin’ a taste o’ this mischief, with their first case linked to the vile outbreak in Africa. 'Tis not just the buccaneers and landlubbers; the wee ones under 15 be sufferin’ the most, makin' up a hefty 70% of cases in the Congo.

But hold ye horses! A new strain be makin' waves, leavin' milder symptoms that could hide in the shadows like a treacherous sea serpent. The World Health Organization be ponderin' whether this be a global emergency, as they ready their coffers with a cool $1.45 million to battle this rogue disease. So, keep yer wits about ye, avoid close contact, and get ye vaccinations, lest ye find yerselves in a world of hurt from this scallywag of a virus!

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