The Booty Report

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Arrr, Susan Lorincz be found guilty o' sendin' Ajike Owens to Davy Jones' locker with a bang!


Arrr, matey! Susan Lorincz, a landlubber of the pale sort, did fire her iron at Ajike Owens, a fine mother of four, whilst she be knockin’ at the door! The whole crew be in a tizzy 'bout it, sparking a hullabaloo across the seven seas!

Aye, gather 'round, mateys, for I tale ye a yarn of a most peculiar landlubber named Susan Lorincz, a fair-skinned wench who, in the heat of a June's eve, did unleash a fiery blast from her dwelling upon one Ajike Owens. This brave lass, a mother of four wee scallywags, be standin' outside Susan's door when the cannon went boom! It was a right ruckus that stirred the seas of outrage across the nation, like a ship caught in a tempest!

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