The Booty Report

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Arrr, Captain Harris be hoistin’ the Jolly Roger for sendin' cash bail to Davy Jones' locker, savvy?


Arrr, matey! The Harris crew be shoutin' loud for sendin' that scallywag cash bail to Davy Jones’ locker, as our fair vice captain, once a prosecutor, be weatherin' the storm of scrutiny! Aye, the winds o' change be blowin' strong on this treacherous sea o' justice!

Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather ye ‘round while I spin ye a yarn ‘bout the fair Vice President Harris, who be sailin’ the stormy seas of cash bail reform! Aye, she be claimin’ that justice should shine bright for all, whether ye be a scallywag with gold doubloons or a poor soul with naught but the shirt on yer back. Her matey, James Singer, be blabberin’ that public safety, not riches, should decide who stays locked up after an arrest!

Yet, hark! In her past as a high-flying prosecutor in San Francisco, the winds of her opinions be changin’ like the tides. Once she spoke of makin’ bail more costly, sayin’ folks be comin’ to her fair city to commit mischief ‘cause it be cheaper! Aye, she even wanted to keep the nonviolent brigands for cheap labor during fire season! But now, she gives a hearty cheer for abolishin’ cash bail, callin’ it unjust, though some landlubbers be sayin’ it leads to more ruffians roam’n free!

In this tempest of opinions, critics be yellin’ that she be flippin’ her sails to catch the political winds, while the Trump crew be shoutin’ of catastrophe and mayhem in the streets. So raise yer tankards, me hearties, for the wild adventure of politics be afoot, and the debate over bail be hotter than a cannonball in a summer storm!

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