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Arrr! Turkey's crew o' lawmakers be fightin' like scallywags over a jailed matey! Blood and chaos, 'tis a ruckus!


Arrr, matey! In a raucous hullabaloo, Turkey's scallywags in parliament clashed like krakens in a storm this Friday, brawlin' over a landlubber chosen last year, who found himself in the brig for squawkin' 'gainst Captain Erdoğan! Aye, what a sight to behold on the high seas of politics!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round fer this tale of tumult on the high seas o’ Turkish parliament! On a fateful Friday, chaos erupted when one scallywag dared to call President Erdoğan's crew a "terrorist organization." Aye, Ahmet Sik, the brave soul, faced the wrath of an angry deckhand from Erdoğan's ship, who swung fists like a drunken sailor!

“Ye be callin' Can Atalay a terrorist, ye say? The real pirates be sittin’ in them seats!” spat Sik, as the brawl broke out. Lawmakers were throwin' punches like cannonballs and papers flew like seagulls in a storm, while others tried to hold the fort. A lass in the fray got hit, spillin' blood on the podium, and even the likes of Ozgur Ozel, the opposition captain, cried shame on the ship for such disgraceful behavior!

They were arguin’ over Atalay, a prisoner who wanted his seat in parliament, claimin’ he’d return to the brig afterwards. The Constitutional Court had ruled in his favor thrice, but the lower courts ignored it like a treasure map in a storm! Human rights buccaneers cried foul, demandin’ justice for Atalay and his kin.

After three hours of brawlin’, the parliament reopened, with reprimands flyin’ like cannon fire. A right ruckus, indeed! Arrr!

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