The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! A case o' Mpox in Sweden be makin' the whole of Europe fret like scallywags on a leaky ship!"


Arrr, savvy scallywags reckon that more landlubbers in Europe'll be catchin' the sniffles, what with all that sailin' to and from Africa! The risk be risin' from “very low” to “low,” so keep yer rum close and yer handkerchiefs closer, lest ye be joinin' Davy Jones' crew!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to this tale o' travelin' woes! As the winds blow and ships set sail betwixt the shores of Africa and our fair European lands, the scallywags of the medical world be warnin' us of a sneaky beast lurkin' in the shadows!

Yea, they be callin' it a “disease,” but I say it be naught but a pesky blighter lookin' to hitch a ride on unsuspectin' sailors and landlubbers alike. With the seas swarmin' with all manner of folk, the experts be raisin' the alarm, claimin' the threat be climbin' from “very low” to a menacin’ “low.” Aye, that be nothin’ to sneeze at, I tell ye!

So, what be the plan, ye landlocked lubbers? Keep yer wits about ye and perhaps a bottle o’ rum close at hand, for if the disease be lookin' to join our merry crew, we’ll need all the courage we can muster! Avast, let this be a lesson to all ye who roam the high seas: wash yer hands, avoid the scurvy sea dogs, and keep yer eye peeled for any ill winds, lest ye find yerself in a right pickle!

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