The Booty Report

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Arrr! A scallywag reporter spilled the beans on a secret crew o’ Jewish merchants, unleashin’ a storm of trouble!


Arrr, matey! The New York Times be givin' a right smackdown to a scallywag reporter who let slip the secrets of 600 souls from a WhatsApp crew in Melbourne! Aye, 'tis a fine mess o' trouble fer spillin' the beans, savvy?

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ’round as I spin ye a yarn from the high seas of news! The fine crew at The New York Times be givin’ a stern talking-to to one of their own, a scallywag known as Natasha Frost, who be spillin’ the beans on a band of Jewish business folk down in the land of Oz! A treasure trove of personal info was cast adrift from a secret WhatsApp cove, leadin’ to death threats and mayhem like a ship caught in a storm!

This motley crew of 600 set sail after a dreadful skirmish on Oct. 7, and Frost, in a fit of folly, shared their private scrolls with a matey who then unleashed the chaos upon the world. The Times be claimin’ it was a breach of their code—ethics, they call it, aye! Natasha protested, swearin’ she only meant to share with one soul, but the winds carried it far and wide, like a pirate’s secret whispered too loud!

Now, Australia’s own Attorney General, Mark Dreyfus, be pushin’ for a law to ban this dastardly act known as doxxing, for the digital seas be fraught with danger! As the tides change, let this be a lesson, ye landlubbers: keep yer secrets close, or ye might find yerself in a right mess!

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