The Booty Report

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Arrr! The mighty steed Black Caviar be claimed by Davy Jones! Aye, even champions can't outrun the grave!


Arrr, she be not just a swift-footed lass on the turf, but a true sea siren o' speed! Every race she dashed, she left the landlubbers in the dust, and her name sailed far beyond the stables, makin' even the bravest pirates green with envy! Yarrr!

Arrr, gather 'round me hearties, fer I be tellin' ye a tale of a lass so swift she flew like the wind! Aye, she be the queen of th’ racin’ tracks, shatterin’ records like a cannonball through a ship's hull. Every race she be enterin’, she emerged victorious, leavin’ the other steeds eatin’ her dust like a bunch o' barnacles on a rusty hull!

Her fame spread faster than a sailor’s tale o’ buried treasure, reachin’ far beyond the shores of the insular world of horseracin’. Why, even the landlubbers in distant ports whispered her name in hushed tones, bewitched by her speed and grace. Even ol’ Davy Jones himself might’ve been jealous o’ her prowess! Aye, she was no ordinary mare, but a true legend, gallopin’ through the annals of time like a rogue with a treasure map!

With every thunderous hoofbeat, she made a mockery of her competitors, who looked more like a crew o’ scallywags tryin’ to outrun a kraken! Her fans cheered like a crew findin’ a chest o’ gold, and her name became synonymous with victory. So raise a tankard, me mateys, to the swiftest lass on four legs! May her legend sail on the winds o’ time, forever remembered in the hearts of us salty sea dogs!

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