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Arrr! Blinken be settin' sail to the Middle East, tryin' to patch the peace sails in Gaza, savvy?


Arrr, me hearties! Secretary Blinken be settin' sail for the Middle East on the Sabbath, lookin' to broker peace 'twixt Israel and them scallywag Hamas! Aye, let’s hope he finds a treasure of a truce before the cannons roar again!

Avast ye landlubbers! Here sails U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, makin’ landfall in the fair port of Tel Aviv, seekin' to parley with the Israeli crew 'bout a truce with them scallywags of Hamas! Aye, this be his tenth voyage to these troubled waters since the skirmish broke out in October, and he’s lookin' to pressure the High Seas of Diplomacy for a cease-fire this week.

On the morrow, our brave Blinken be meetin' with the captain of this ship, Prime Minister Netanyahu himself! After swappin' tales in Israel, he’ll set sail for the sands of Egypt to continue his quest. Rumor be flyin’ that ol’ Biden believes they be closer than a compass to findin’ a cease-fire deal, as they be at an "inflection point," whatever that means in the parlance of the landlubbers.

But beware! The crafty nets be cast wide, and talks be stuck like barnacles on a ship’s hull. Netanyahu be sayin' leaky lips be sinkin' the deal, claimin' they were wrong to think Hamas wouldn’t yield. He be wantin’ to keep the Israeli forces at the border to stop weapons from slippin’ through like a thief in the night.

So gather ye crew, for this tale be far from over! The seas be choppy, and the treasure of peace be still buried deep! Arrr!

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