The Booty Report

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Arrr! Israeli blokes say a scallywag blew up Tel Aviv, and those Hamas scoundrels be takin' the credit!


Arrr, matey! The scallywags of Hamas be claimin’ the blame for a loud bang in Tel Aviv near a holy house, while the landlubbers in Israel be sayin’ it be a right terror attack! Blimey, me hearties, what a ruckus on the high seas of trouble!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round for a tale o' turmoil on the high seas of Tel Aviv! On a fateful morn, the scallywags o' Hamas and Islamic Jihad boldly claimed the deed o' a bombin' that went awry, takin' down the would-be attacker and causin' a bystander to get a bit of a fright, savvy?

This bumbling brigand waltzed through the streets with a rucksack full o' mischief, only to have his plans dashed by an early kaboom! The target, they say, was none other than a nearby synagogue. The rascals proudly proclaimed their "martyrdom operation," threatenin' to keep the mischief comin' as long as the landlubbers o' Israel keep messin' about with their mischief. Arrr!

The Israeli lawmen, with their hats and badges, confirmed the blast was a terror attack, and the poor passerby was whisked away for a good patchin' up. Just as the U.S. Secretary o' State, Antony Blinken, sailed into town to talk peace, chaos erupted! He called it "maybe the last opportunity" for calm seas, while the pirates in Gaza kept stirrin' the pot.

So, keep yer eyes peeled, ye landlubbers! This here tale be far from over, and it seems the winds o' war blow strong in these waters! Yarrr!

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