The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Nicaragua be tossin' 1,500 NGOs overboard, includin' a heap o' churches! What a ruckus on the high seas!"


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags in charge, led by Captain Ortega, be sendin’ the evangelical crew to Davy Jones' locker, revokin’ their legal sails! Aye, they be crackin’ down on any landlubber institution that dares to stand tall instead of kissin' the captain's boots! Har har!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn o' treachery on the high seas of politics! In the land where the sun shines bright, there be a President, Daniel Ortega by name, who be settin’ sail on a mighty stormy course. Aye, this scallywag be revokin’ the legal sails of hundreds o’ evangelical crews, castin’ them adrift like barnacles from a ship’s hull!

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