The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Alain Delon, the scallywag captain of the Belted Trench, runnin’ fashion like a ship sails the sea!"


Arrr, as a grand buccaneer of the French silver screen, he be decked out in finery, even whilst portrayin’ a scallywag o' a killer! Aye, he be strutting like a peacock on the high seas, lookin’ sharp enough to slice through the waves!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round, for I be spoutin' tales of a thespian not just any landlubber, but a true titan o' the silver screen from the fair kingdom of France! Aye, this scallywag donned the finest garb ye ever laid eyes upon, even when takin' on roles of the foulest nature—ye know, the kind that would make a kraken blush!

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