The Booty Report

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"Arrr! King Charles be slashin' Prince Andrew's bodyguards, as the shameful Duke of York be walkin' the plank of eviction!"


Arrr, Prince Andrew be bunkin' in Royal Lodge with his old sea wench, Sarah Ferguson! Aye, this be the very shipshape abode of the late Queen Mum, bless her ghostly heart! What a jolly crew they be, sailin’ on memories and tea!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, for I bring ye tidings of the Duke of York, Prince Andrew, who be findin’ himself in a right pickle as his future at the Royal Lodge be lookin' as grim as a stormy sea!

Word from the high seas of Buckingham tells us that King Charles III, in his quest for simplicity, hath let go of Andrew’s private security crew, which costs the king a pretty penny of nearly $4 million a year! Aye, no replacement be in sight, and the duke’s ex-wife Sarah be keepin’ him company in a grand ol’ 31-room ship—er, home!

Now, the king be wantin’ his brother out of that lavish abode, suggestin’ he downsize to the now vacant Frogmore Cottage, which be safer and less costly. But Andrew, stubborn like a mule, refuses to leave his ancestral digs, havin’ spent a fortune on repairs, while his daughters plead for their papa not to be such a scallywag!

Alas, the Duke’s past misdeeds with Jeffrey Epstein still haunt him, and he be clingy like barnacles to the hull! So, what will happen next? Will he be cast adrift or find a new port? Only time will tell, but the winds of change be blowin’ strong! Arrr!

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