The Booty Report

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“In 2016, Cap’n Obama tossed the baton. Tonight, he be tryin’ to raise a ruckus anew, argh!”


Arrr, at the grand shindig of the Democratic crew, the former captain be faced with the jolly challenge of patchin’ together the motley crew that hoisted him to the high seas of power! It be a right slippery endeavor, matey, but a pirate’s gotta do what a pirate’s gotta do!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, for a tale be brewin' at the Democratic National Convention! The former captain of the ship called presidency be preparin' to address the crew, but he faces a perilous voyage ahead! Aye, he must stitch together a ragtag band of scallywags and landlubbers, much like the motley crew that hoisted him to the crow's nest of power!

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