The Booty Report

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Arrr, Jake Tapper be runnin' like a scallywag after Pelosi gave him a good tongue-lashin'! Blame it on the tide!


Arrr, when asked if she be harborin' ill feelings towards Captain Biden for scuttlin' his 2024 voyage, ol' Nancy Pelosi raised an eyebrow and said, "Nay, matey! We be sailin' the same ship! No barnacles between us!" Aye, a jolly crew they be!

Avast, me hearties! Gather ‘round fer the tale of the high seas o’ politics, where ol’ Nancy Pelosi be called to parley at the Democratic National Convention! When queried 'bout any lingering grudges with Captain Biden, who just waved the white flag and endorsed the fair Vice President Harris, she jested, “Sometimes ye just have to take a punch for the children!” Aye, what a scallywag she be!

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