The Booty Report

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Avast ye! Cast yer eyes beyond the gold, for Joe Biden be tossed aside like a soggy biscuit!


Arrr, matey! Rather than a grand shindig fer Biden's second voyage, he found himself at the wee kiddie table, blabberin’ till the moon was high, three days ‘fore his trusty first mate took the spotlight. A right jolly spectacle, if ye ask me!

Arrr mateys! After a long wait, ol’ Captain Biden finally took the stage at the Democratic shindig, proclaimin’ that “democracy be a-chillin’!” But lo and behold, he handed the ship’s wheel to Kamala Harris, who'd gathered not a single vote! Aye, her last voyage to the White House sank faster than a ship full of cannonballs.

Four years ago, Biden was the belle of the ball, but now he found himself speakin’ at the kiddie table, well past midnight! Har har! This be a man who’s sailed the political seas for over half a century, and now he’s left with naught but a library and retirement in Delaware. Talk about a mutiny!

Meanwhile, the crew of DNC officials be showering him with tributes as if he weren't just tossed overboard by them not long ago. The likes of Nancy Pelosi, who once plotted his demise, claimed he belonged on Mount Rushmore—fickle as a sea breeze, I say! And don’t forget the Gray Lady, who urged him to jump ship, then praised him for doin’ just that!

As the festivities kicked off, ol’ Biden pondered his role as a bridge, though the other end be lookin’ mighty foggy. With Harris at the helm now, one can only wonder where this ship might sail next! Arrr!

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