The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Yacht sage be spillin’ the beans on fancy shipwreck: “Even the grandest vessels got their limits, aye!”


Arrr, matey! The grand Bayesian, a mighty vessel fit for a king, met Davy Jones’ locker on Monday! Built to brave the fiercest storms, yet even the finest ships ain't safe from the whims of the sea, says a wise ol' sea dog. Aye, sometimes yer luck just runs aground!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale o' the grand ol' superyacht, the Bayesian, that met a watery grave off the coast o' Sicily, claimin' more than a dozen souls aboard. A vessel built to brave the fiercest squalls, yet even the mightiest ship ain't unsinkable, as our matey eSysman from the SuperYachts channel be tellin' us! Aye, the captain's got the final say, but sometimes the winds be blowin' with a might that even the best-laid plans can't outsmart.

With a mast taller than a pirate's dreams, the Bayesian was a sight to behold, lit up like a treasure chest in the night, ready for rent at a price fit for a king—215,000 doubloons a week! But alas, a freaky waterspout, like Neptune's own fury, struck, causin' chaos on the high seas. Our noble tech captain Mike Lynch and five others be missin’, while the brave wife and fourteen souls survived the ordeal.

The crew hailed from lands afar—Britain, the States, and even the far reaches of Myanmar and New Zealand! A search be underway, though cold waters be unforgiving. So raise yer tankards to the brave souls and remember: even the grandest ships be at the mercy of the sea's wild whims!

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