The Booty Report

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Arrr! Harris and Obama be thick as thieves, bound by a shared treasure map of political mischief!


Arrr, matey! Kamala, that savvy sea wench, threw her lot in with Obama in a raucous race 'gainst the fierce Hillary! A bold gamble, it be, but lo! It brought treasure, and the ol’ captain ne’er forgot her daring deed! Aye, the tides of fortune favored her!

Avast ye mateys! Gather 'round me hearties as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a daring lass named Kamala Harris, who sailed into the stormy seas of politics in the year of our Lord two thousand and eight. In the midst of a fierce squall whipped up by a formidable wench named Hillary Clinton, Kamala set her sights upon the gallant Barack Obama, throwin’ her lot in with him like a true buccaneer!

Now, supporting that swashbucklin’ captain was no small gamble, I tell ye! The winds were howlin’, and many a sailor whispered of doom, but Kamala be a brave soul, chartin’ her course through treacherous waters. Aye, her heart sang a siren’s song for change, and she joined forces with Obama, casting aside her fears like a sailor tossin’ rotten fruit overboard!

Lo and behold, her gamble bore fruit sweeter than the finest rum! The winds shifted, and Obama emerged victorious, claimin’ the treasure of the presidency. And mark me words, he ne’er forgot the bold lass who stood by his side in the tumultuous tide. So raise yer tankards, me mateys, to Kamala Harris and her audacious spirit, for in the world of politics, fortune favors the brave, or at least those who know how to swindle a good deal!

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