The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr, Biden be late as a ship in a storm, and them Democrats be shoutin', 'Twas the raucous applause, matey!"


Arrr! The official tale fer the long-winded convention broadcast had one CNN swashbuckler givin’ a hearty shout fer the “marvelous spin!” Aye, ‘twas a tale spun so fine, it could catch a fish!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a yarn on the curious happenings of a Monday's long-winded convention show, aye! So, there be a fine crew o’ pundits aboard the CNN ship, and one of 'em, a clever chap, couldn’t help but tip his tricorn hat to the “amazing spin” bein’ put forth by the official wordsmiths. Aye, it be a mighty fine bit o’ jibber-jabber, if ye catch me drift!

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