The Booty Report

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Arrr, Chappell Roan be callin' her crew a band o' scallywags fer stalkin' and harassin' like barnacle-covered bilge rats!


Arrr, mateys! Chappell Roan be hollerin' at her scallywag fans for their "creepy antics" in a TikTok yarn! The captain of the "Pink Pony Club" vowed to sail away if them fans be givin' off any "stalker vibes." Beware, ye landlubbers!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of the daring Chappell Roan, a lass who’s caught the wind in her sails and risen like the tide upon the musical seas! This fair maiden, known in the realm as Kayleigh Amstutz, be callin’ out her "entitled" fans who be stalkin' and harassin' her like scallywags on a treasure map!

After her grand performance at Coachella in the year of our Lord 2024, this pop star be havin’ more followers than a parrot on a captain’s shoulder—4 million on Instagram and 3 million TikTok seas! But alas, she faced the dark side of fame, for it seems some landlubbers be thinkin' they’re owed a photo, a hug, or a moment of her precious time!

“I don’t care if ye think it’s normal!” she roared, shakin' her fist at the ocean of madness. “It ain’t right, and I won’t be puttin’ up with yer creepy behavior!” Aye, she rightly questioned, “Would ye stalk a random lass on the street?” The answer be clear: nay! So heed her words, ye swabs, and remember—celebrities be people too, and no one be owed a piece of ’em just for singin’ a catchy tune!

So, let us raise a tankard to the brave Chappell, who sails her own ship amidst the stormy seas of fame while callin’ out the scurvy dogs who think they can cross the line! Yarrr!

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