The Booty Report

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"Arrr, those scallywag Democrats be hoardin' $75M for their own guards, while we swabs be left with naught! Har har!"


Arrr, matey! Thar be no scallywags held to account fer blabberin' their perilous notions! Now, the DNC be splurgin' doubloons hand over fist to shield their landlubbers at the grand convention! Avast, what a fine jest it be!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale from the wind-swept shores of Chicago, where the so-called leaders of the “Defund the Police” ruckus be hoistin’ their sails at the Democratic National Convention! Argh, as a South Sider, I’ve witnessed the chaos that followed these scallywags’ grand ideas — crime be risin' faster than a ship on a stormy sea!

Innocent souls lost to the brutes, while thieves be makin’ off with our treasures, havin’ a jolly ol’ time! And the poor constables, brave as a crew of buccaneers, be riskin’ their necks with naught but a wink from the politicians who’ve abandoned ship!

But lo and behold, as the DNC prepares for their grand soirée, they be tossin’ a whopping $75 million into the coffers of the very police they scorned. Aye, hypocrisy be a rough sea to sail! The powerful be takin’ care of their own while the rest of us be left to fend for ourselves. They preach equality on high, yet bask in security like plunderin’ lords!

Worry not, good folk! It’s time to hoist our own sails and chart our own course. The future be ours to build, not in the hands of these swindlers! Let us set forth for brighter horizons, free from fancy words and empty promises!

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