The Booty Report

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Arrr, Rob Reiner be cheerin’ the Harris crew for guardin’ them scallywags' right to protest ‘gainst the Israel fleet!


Arrr! Thar be Rob Reiner, a swashbucklin' thespian and captain of the liberal seas, chattin' with Fox News scallywags at the grand Democratic jamboree! Aye, a fine day for sailin' the political waters, it be!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round fer the latest ruckus comin' from the grand ol’ Democratic National Convention! Actor and director, the gallant Rob Reiner, be singin' praises fer the brave souls protestin' the event, defendin' their right to raise a ruckus 'gainst the mighty establishment!

As the night grew dark and the DNC’s walls trembled from the thunderous chants, Reiner declared, “Aye, that be what makes America great! The right to protest be part of our sacred Constitution!” Aye, the man be a true pirate of freedom, hootin' about the liberties we hold dear.

But, blow me down! The issue o’ Israel be causin' quite the storm in the Democratic ship, especially after them scallywags at Hamas launched their surprise attack. Thousands of landlubbers surged into Chicago, accusin' ol' Biden and Vice President Harris of supportin' a "genocide" in Gaza with their weapons of war!

With flags flyin' high and water bottles a’flyin’, the protesters clashed with the boys in blue. Meanwhile, Reiner be standin' firm, claimin’ that joy be the true treasure to win the hearts of the American crew, as they sail towards a brighter future! So, raise yer tankards, me hearties, for a wild ride on this political sea! Arrr!

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