The Booty Report

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Arrr, Biden-Harris be runnin’ a ship o' fog and fancy tricks with their treasure map!


Arrr, matey! The treasure chest be emptier than a barnacle's belly! The Biden-Harris crew be usin' the government’s parley to spin a yarn that all be well, when in truth, the ship's takin' on water! Aye, ‘tis a ruse fit for a scallywag!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn ‘bout the curious capers of the Biden-Harris crew, who be thinkin' they can steer our ship o’ economy with some Soviet-style shenanigans! Vice President Harris, bless her heart, be claimin’ that inflation be the handiwork of greedy scallywags in the grocery biz, not the mismanagement o’ her own government crew. Aye, Kroger be makin’ but 2% profits while Microsoft be swimmin’ in 35%! Who’s the real sea dog here, eh?

The Biden-Harris crew be raisin' their sails to pump up a frail economy, claimin’ the impact of COVID-19 be long gone, yet they plan to toss more gold into the abyss with a new round of stimulus—a move that be reeked of fraud from the last time. Har har! The IRS be sayin’ 95% of claims be as fake as a three-dollar bill! And now, right before the elections, they be rushin' to pay out like a pirate with a chest o' doubloons!

Yet, while they be throwin’ around cash like confetti, they be robbin' from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, leavin’ us vulnerable as the seas stir with trouble. And what be this nonsense about interest rates? It be makin’ the taxpayer walk the plank! So here we be, with a ship in rocky waters, while the crew steers us toward Modern Monetary Theory, a scallywag’s dream that will surely sink us! Aye, if we don’t change course soon, we may find our treasure buried deep under the waves! Arrr!

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