The Booty Report

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Arrr! Panama be sendin’ 29 landlubber Colombians aboard the first US treasure ship, eh? What a jolly ol’ voyage!


Avast ye! Panama be tossin’ 29 Colombians overboard on the maiden voyage funded by Uncle Sam! Last month, those landlubbers scribbled a pact to tackle the immigration squall through the wilds of the Darien jungle. Arrr, what a jolly hullabaloo!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale o' bold Panama, which be sendin' back 29 scallywags from Colombia on a US-funded ship o' the sky! Aye, this be the first flight under an agreement signed in the swelterin' July sun, where Uncle Sam and Panama struck a deal to deal with the flood o' rogues enterin' through the treacherous Darien jungle.

Last year, over half a million lost souls, mainly from Venezuela, took this perilous route, seekin' treasure in distant lands. But alas, Panama be tossin' back the Colombians, whilst the relationship with Venezuela be more tangled than a sailor's knots—due to Panama's refusal to acknowledge the dubious election waged by the infamous Captain Maduro.

President José Raúl Mulino, fresh at the helm since July, has vowed to stem the tide of this migratory sea, shar'in' the notion with the Yanks. Though he swore the flights were "voluntary," it turns out the deported lot had a few unsavory tales in their pasts—criminal records, ye see!

Now, Mulino be seekin' alliances with lands such as Ecuador and India to further coordinate his endeavors. So, keep yer eyes peeled, for the seas be changin' and these pirate-infested waters be fillin' with unexpected shenanigans! Arrr!

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