The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Israel and Hezbollah be swappin’ cannon fire, like two scallywags in a tavern brawl! Avast, trouble brews!


Arrr! The Israeli crew be claimin’ they blasted some weapon stashes, sparkin’ Hezbollah to unleash their own cannon fire at an Israeli stronghold! ‘Tis a right merry game of tit-for-tat across the Lebanon seas, matey! Let the cannons roar and the grog flow!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the turbulent seas of the Middle East, where the Israeli sailors, bold and brash, be sayin’ they’ve sunk their hooks into some wicked weapons hideouts. Aye, they be claimin’ their cannons have fired true, makin’ the baddies at Hezbollah riled up like a sailor with a belly full of grog!

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