The Booty Report

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"If dire omens won't sway the scallywag Trump, the Democrats be thinkin' to tickle him with jest!"


Arrr, matey! As Captain Biden hands over the jolly lantern to First Mate Kamala, a merry breeze o’ laughter be fillin’ the sails once more! Aye, the seas be risin’ with chuckles and jests, like a ship’s crew swappin’ grog for giggles!

Ahoy, matey! Gather 'round, ye scallywags, for a tale of great merriment upon the high seas of politics! With the grand passing of the torch from President Biden to Vice President Kamala Harris, a most jolly change be afoot—humor be rejoining the crew! Arrr, it be as if the winds of laughter have filled our sails once more!

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