The Booty Report

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"Young scallywag smacks a copper with a pilfered ship, crashes into fine vessels, then caught atop the crow's nest!"


Arrr, me hearties! A scallywag of a lad be caught atop a lofty perch, after filching a fine vessel on wheels! He crashed it into other chariots and even gave a copper a hearty bump! Avast! What a ruckus to behold in the wild tales of the high seas!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale of high seas mischief, but on land! A scallywag named Keyah Richardson, just shy of bein' twenty summers, stole himself a fine white sedan in the bustling heart of Queens. When the lawmen called upon him with their shiny badges, our young rogue decided to rev his engines instead o’ surrenderin'.

In a wild display, he backed his stolen ship into a poor landlubber’s vessel, tossed a traffic cone as if it were a mere trinket, and nearly set sail into a mother and her wee one! "Stop ye scallywag!" bellowed an officer, but our Keyah had other plans—zooming through traffic like a cannonball shot from a ship!

In a grand folly, he struck a brave officer, pinning him between two metal beasts. With a heart full of swagger, he abandoned his stolen prize and made a run for it, scampering like a rat up a ship's rigging—onto the rooftops he climbed!

But alas, the NYPD were not to be outdone! With their eyes in the sky, they swooped in like a flock o’ hungry seagulls. Eventually, the lad was caught atop a roof, trapped like a fish in a net. Now he faces a heap of charges, and the good officers return home, safe and sound! Aye, a tale for the ages, this one be!

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