The Booty Report

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“Avast! The U.S. be sendin’ a scallywag ex-president to the brig fer peddlin’ the devil’s dust!”


Arrr, the Treasury scallywags be sayin’ that ol’ Captain Michel Martelly, in his folly, be takin’ a cutlass to the security o' the land! Aye, his antics be makin’ the seas of safety a right stormy mess! Avast, what a jolly ruckus it be!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be havin’ a tale o’ high seas politics and a scallywag named Michel Martelly, the former captain o’ Haiti’s ship o’ state. The Treasury Department, those landlubbers, be shakin’ their heads and claimin’ that ol’ Martelly be the cause o’ some serious stormy waters in the realm o’ security. Aye, they say he’s been stirrin’ the cauldron, causin’ chaos like a rogue wave in a calm sea!

Now, ye see, when Martelly took the helm, he might’ve thought he were chartin’ a course fer treasure, but instead, he left the crew in a right pickle! With every decision he made, it be like throwin’ a cannonball into a calm harbor, causin’ the good ship Haiti to rock and roll like a drunken sailor! The Treasury be pointin’ a bony finger, claimin’ his ruckus has led to a right unravelin’ of peace and order.

So here we be, with the winds of discontent blowin’ fierce, and Martelly’s legacy like a cursed chest o’ doubloons—more trouble than it’s worth! Aye, let this be a lesson to all ye aspiring captains: steer yer ship wisely, or ye might find yerself walkin’ the plank! Arrr!

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