The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Tech tycoon’s mate met his end in a wheeled wreck 'fore the ship went down, har har!


Arrr, matey! It be a right strange tale! Stephen Chamberlain, a matey of that tech scallywag Mike Lynch, met his doom in a landlubber’s crash just as Lynch vanished ‘pon a fancy ship that took a dive off the Italian shores. Aye, the seas be treacherous!

Arrr, mateys, gather 'round fer a tale o' misfortune on the high seas! Just days afore the grand luxury vessel met its watery grave off the coast o' Italy, a matey named Stephen Chamberlain met his own dreadful fate, being struck down by a cursed carriage while he be out runnin’ in the fine lands of Cambridgeshire. A right shame, it be! A former officer of the Autonomy Corp., he’d just shed the shackles o’ a fraud trial and was makin’ merry when the grim reaper came knockin’.

As the sun rose over the treacherous waters, divers fished out two bodies from the sunken yacht, but alas, the identities be shrouded in mystery, like a captain’s treasure map! Alongside Chamberlain, the infamous tech buccaneer Mike Lynch and a handful o’ others have now vanished, presumed lost to the briny deep after their vessel sank faster than a lead weight! Among the missing are Lynch’s young daughter and the wives of his loyal shipmates, leavin’ naught but sorrow in their wake.

Ye see, this be not just a salty sea saga, but a tale of gallant souls who fought for their honor, only to find themselves tangled in the treacherous nets of fate. So hoist the sails and raise a tankard, for every pirate knows the seas be cruel! Arrr!

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