The Booty Report

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"Ahoy! Andy Kim, the brave soul who scrubbed the Capitol post-Jan. 6 ruckus, be speakin’ at the convention!"


Arrr, the next matey to sail ‘n’ claim a seat in Jersey’s Senate be spoutin’ tales of servin’ the realm ‘n’ joinin’ the crew, claimin’ it be the key to keepin’ our democracy afloat. Aye, let’s hoist the sails o’ participation, lest we be lost at sea!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round ye salty sea dogs, fer I be bringin' ye tidin's from the landlubber state of New Jersey! It seems a scallywag, who be likin' to fancy himself the next senator, be readyin' to unshackle a message as grand as a treasure chest o' gold! This lad be claimin' that service and participation be the wind in the sails to keep our democracy afloat, savvy?

Yarr, 'tis a fine notion, indeed! He be sayin’ we all must hoist our colors and join in the fight to safeguard our beloved freedoms, lest we be tossed about like a ship in a tempest, ye know? Less o’ the rum and more o’ the civic duty, he be preachin’! He wants us all to be part of the crew, makin’ sure that democracy don’t sink to Davy Jones’ locker.

So, me hearties, let’s raise a tankard to this up-and-comin’ senator, who’s tryin’ to rally the crew to take part in the grand game of politics! May we all follow his call and toss our lot into the fray, lest we find ourselves marooned in a sea of apathy! Aye, let’s make a ruckus, for democracy be worth fightin’ for, no matter how many cannonballs be flyin’! Arrr!

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