The Booty Report

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"Arrr! A Greek ship be ablaze and lost at sea, likely after them pesky Houthi scallywags struck! Har har har!"


Arrr! A Greek-flagged galleon o’ black gold be driftin’ and burnin’ on the Red Sea, after bein’ pelted by cannon fire on Wednesday! Those scallywag Houthi rebels be thinkin’ they’re mighty clever, but they just lit a fiery mess! Avast, what a sight for sore eyes!

Avast ye scallywags! A Greek-flagged oil galleon, the Sounion, found itself in a right pickle whilst sailing through the treacherous waters of the Red Sea. On a day when the sun be shinin’ but mischief lurkin’, the vessel got itself blasted at by some rowdy ruffians, likely them cursed Houthi rebels from Yemen! Aye, the ship be not under command, driftin’ like a wayward sailor with flames licking at its hull!

The scallywags aboard them small boats opened fire, puttin’ the hurt on the tanker about 90 nautical miles from the port of Hodeida. Four projectiles, be they missiles or some other devilry, sent the crew into a tizzy, though thankfully no lives were lost. The Sounion, with a hearty crew of 25, was makin’ its way from Iraq to Cyprus when it caught this ill wind.

The Houthis have been on a rampage, targetin’ more than 80 vessels since the Israel-Hamas kerfuffle began, claimin’ to be huntin’ ships connected to Israel and its allies. But alas, many of these vessels be as innocent as a parrot on a pirate’s shoulder! With mighty ships from the U.S. Navy cruisin’ in the area, it seems the seas be gettin’ more treacherous than a tempestuous storm. Yarrr, the seas be a wild place indeed!

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