The Booty Report

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Arrr! The UK be thinkin' of callin' misogyny a mighty beast, makin' free speech walk the plank!


Arrr, matey! The British Home Office be settin’ sail to investigate why landlubbers with wild notions be turnin’ into scallywags! They'll be peekin’ at both the heathen Islamists and the far-right ruffians, tryin’ to keep the peace ‘n’ avoid a ruckus on the high seas!

Arrr mateys! Gather ‘round fer a tale from the choppy seas of the United Kingdom, where the new landlubber government be settin’ its sights on a peculiar scourge—misogyny! Aye, ye heard that right! The Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, be proclaiming that such nefarious thoughts be dangerous enough to be classed alongside the likes of piracy and terrorism!

In a parley with the good folks at LBC, she declared that the hateful winds o’ extremism be threatening to tear the very sails of democracy asunder. Cooper’s crew be on a “rapid analytical sprint” to chart these treacherous waters and steer misguided souls away from extremist views. They be lookin’ to draw parallels 'twixt misogyny and other foul ideologies, lest they let the sea of hatred overflow.

But beware, savvy sailors! There be whispers that this could lead to a quagmire of free speech woes, as some scallywags argue that it be an Orwellian plot afoot. While one seafarer, Peter Lloyd, calls it a “sexist move,” another, Joanna Jarjue, warns of the dark tide of violence that threatens fair maidens, claimin’ it be an epidemic far worse than mere words.

So hoist the flag o’ caution, me hearties! The U.K. be takin’ aim at misogyny, and the seas be stormy as ever, with debates raging like a cannon fire on the high seas!

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