The Booty Report

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Arrr, Pakistan snagged a scallywag for spillin' tall tales that set the UK ruckus a-brewin'! Ha!


Arrr, word from the scallywags o' the local constabulary be that the king's men be wantin' this knave in chains, though the official word be as scarce as treasure on a landlubber's ship! Aye, no confirmation, just a merry jig o' rumors!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of mischief and misadventure. It seems the local constables, those landlubbers in blue, did set their sights on a scallywag, all at the behest of the British crown! Aye, ye heard me right. The British authorities, with their fancy wigs and tea-sippin’ ways, called for the capture, but they be keepin’ mum on the details. Not a peep from 'em, I tell ye!

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