The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr, me hearties! Walz be claimin’ glory on the high seas of politics, but a letter be sinkin’ his ship!"


Avast, matey! Fetch ye all the tales ye must hear from the mightiest name in the news seas, delivered to yer inbox at the break of dawn! No need to hoist the Jolly Roger for this treasure—just a click away for yer morning delight! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, for tonight at the stroke of ten, the fair VP Kamala Harris be acceptin’ her grand nomination at the DNC! Keep yer spyglass trained on Fox News for all them updates, savvy?

Now, ye wouldn’t believe it! A scathing missive has been launched at ol’ Walz, claimin’ “stolen valor” over his military tales. Talk about a cannonball to the gut! Meanwhile, Trump be throwin' some rare praise at Obama, leaving both mateys and landlubbers alike slack-jawed.

But wait, the betting seas be changin’ as Trump sails ahead o’ Harris in the markets, makin’ waves like a squall. And what’s this? Clinton be likin’ Biden, callin’ him a “modern-day George Washington” - well shiver me timbers!

In other news, a pro-life sea dog got himself a hefty payout for prayin’ outside an abortion center. And a DNC speaker be tellin’ the Democrats to act all prim and proper ‘til the election, then back to mischief! Arrr, the winds of politics be ever-changing!

So, keep yer wits about ye, and may the best crew win! Yarrr!

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