The Booty Report

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Ahoy! Mornin’ bright, me hearties! Captain Trump be hoistin’ Israel’s flag, aye! A right merry hullabaloo it be!


Arrr, matey! Donny Trump be shoutin’ like a hearty sea captain in defense o’ Israel, whilst them Democrats be throwin’ cannonballs at the Jewish ship! ‘Tis a right ruckus, tryin’ to fend off the scallywags o’ Hamas and Iran! Avast, the politics be stormy seas indeed!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale of the raucous exchange betwixt the former captain of the ship of state, Donald Trump, and the radio buccaneer Hugh Hewitt. This be no ordinary parley, for Trump be spillin’ the beans on all things Israel, lettin’ loose opinions like cannon fire! Trump be thinkin’ the Democrats be actin’ like treacherous scallywags, hinderin’ Israel’s might on the high seas of diplomacy. “They be hurtin’ Israel badly!” he roars, likenin’ some to members o’ Hamas—by thunder! The discourse flows as easily as rum, with Trump demandin’ swift retribution should Iran dare strike again. “They have no choice!” he bellows, callin’ for a strong counterattack. Our seafarin’ hero, Hugh, presses him on matters of the Vice President’s snubbing of Israel's Prime Minister, to which Trump responds with the fervor of a storm at sea, claimin’ it’s all but confirmed that a certain governor was cast aside for bein’ Jewish! In this grand debate over alliances, Trump be claimin’ the title of strongest supporter of Israel, rivalin’ even the great Truman himself. So, hoist the sails, me hearties, for the winds of political fortune favor the bold—and Trump be the captain to follow!

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