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Arrr! Guatemalan scallywags nabbed seven knaves for traffickin' those poor souls who met Davy Jones in Texas!


Arrr, matey! The landlubber lawmen of Guatemala have snared seven scallywags, accused of ferryin’ over 50 poor souls from Central America and Mexico. Alas, they met their doom, left to rot in a metal beast in Texas back in 2022! Aye, the high seas be safer than that!

Avast ye landlubbers, gather 'round for a tale of woe from the high seas of human folly! A band o' scallywags from the land o' Guatemala found themselves in a right pickle, havin' smuggled 53 poor souls who met their fate in a swelterin' contraption known as a tractor trailer. Aye, 'twas a hot summer's day in 2022 when these unfortunate souls perished from asphyxiation, with naught but the cap'n's cold heart to blame!

Seven knaves have been nabbed by the Guatemalan constables after a long hunt, includin' the notorious Rigoberto Román Mirnado Orozco, the so-called captain of this villainous crew. They be callin' themselves 'Los Orozcos,' and it seems family ties run deep in this band of misfits! They’d been workin' their nefarious trade across borders, helpin' desperate folk pay up to 15,000 doubloons for passage to the lands of opportunity.

But fear not, for the forces of justice, led by the gallant Interior Minister Francisco Jiménez, have set sail to dismantle this vile operation! With the help of Homeland Security, they raided hideouts and captured these rascals, bringin' to light the grim reality of human trafficking. So raise a toast to the brave souls fightin' the good fight, and may the winds of change blow favorably for those who seek a better life! Arrr!

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