The Booty Report

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Arrr, Kennedy’s choice be as likely to stir the seas as a barnacle on a hull, matey!


Avast! Long 'fore the fair Kamala donned her Democratic crown, ol' Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s crew be wavin' the white flag. In the sea of polls, his loyal mates be sayin' they’re less keen to hoist the sails and cast their votes! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I be spillin' the beans ‘bout a scallywag named Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It seems that this lad's ship be takin' on water long afore the fine lass Kamala Harris set sail as the Democratic captain of her crew. Aye, the winds of support be blowin' chillier than a sea breeze on a winter's night, as the buccaneers who once hoisted their flags fer him be murmur-n' that they might just abandon ship and not cast their lot for the fella!

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