The Booty Report

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Arrr! Scallywags be diggin' up treasures from yon ancient Greek port, 'tis older than me grandmother's sea shanties!


Arrr, a band o' scallywag researchers from the University o' Michigan stumbled upon a treasure chest o’ gold whilst diggin' in the dusty ruins o’ Notion, an ancient Greek port o' call in what be now western Turkey! Aye, luck be a fickle mistress, eh?

Ahoy, mateys! In the land o' modern Turkey, a band of savvy landlubbers, led by the illustrious Christopher Ratté, unearthed a trove of golden doubloons from a time long past—specifically, the fifth century B.C.! Aye, they be discovered in a wee pot, buried deep in the ancient city of Notion, as the crew began their excavatin' in 2022.

These shiny coins be sportin' the image of a kneelin' archer, a design as fancy as a mermaid's song, known as the Persian daric. Crafted in the olden days by the Persian Empire, they likely hailed from Sardis, a place a stone’s throw from Notion. Each coin bears slight variations, like pirates’ tales, which help the scholars piece together the history of this golden booty.

But alas, not all treasure is found in tidy locations! Looters often be snatchin' the goods like seagulls at a fish market. Ratté remarked that a find without context be like a pirate without a ship—lost and wanderin’! It seems these coins may have been buried in a hurry, perhaps due to a scuffle between Greeks and Persians. As the sun sets on this tale, the glimmering coins now rest in the Ephesus Archaeological Museum, awaitin' further study. Aye, treasure indeed! Arrr!

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